ATTENTION: Business owners, bloggers, marketers, coaches, product owners...

"Finally! The Most Comprehensive Podcasting Course You’ve Been Waiting For Is Here…"

Discover the step-by-step blueprint for launching your own podcast, building your brand and selling more products!

From: Henry Starks

You want to start your own podcast, but you don’t know how and where to begin.

You’ve heard so many stories of podcasters earning tons of cold, hard cash.

You personally know of podcasters who started their shows as a hobby or side hustle and soon turned it into a full-time, income-generating machine.

Simply put, you want to become one of them.

Do Any Of These Scenarios Sound Familiar?

You’re tired of living the rat race, and you know you have what it takes to succeed as a podcaster.

You like helping people and teaching them how to do stuff.

You have a lot of experience and skills you want to share with your target audience.

You want to establish yourself as an authority or expert in your industry.

You think you can do a better job than most of the podcasts you listen to.

You want to give your business a voice and you’re ready to - literally - talk to your audience.

You’re tired of your competitors’ stealing your customers away from you.

You want to build a personal connection with your target audience.

If you said “yes” to any of the above scenarios, then guess what? You’re ready to take the leap, and you’re ready to start planning your very own podcast!

Are You Looking Forward To Hosting Your Own Show?

If you’re starting your show from scratch and you’re doing everything yourself, then you need all the help you can get.

While recording and publishing your own podcast may sound simple enough, there are actually a lot of things that happen behind the scenes.

Planning and creating content, editing your podcast audio files, marketing and promoting your show will take its toll on you if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Don’t waste your time experimenting. Instead, follow the proven step-by-step blueprint that all successful podcasters use.

Let me introduce you to…

Podcasting Profit Secrets

The Step-By-Step Guide To Launching a Highly Profitable Podcast To Build Your Brand And Sell More Products

Here's exactly what you'll get inside the course:

Podcasting Profit Secrets Course

Podcasting Profit Secrets is a step-by-step blueprint for launching a profitable Podcast.

Here's what you'll discover in this course:

  • The importance of branding and building a community around your brand.
  • The 4-step process to finding the perfect niche for your show (yes, it’s extremely important you pick the right niche).
  • The one secret no one tells you about monetizing your podcast.
  • How to quickly get in the right mindset to start – and commit – to your podcast.
  • 5 of the most essential tools you need for podcasting success.
  • The right way to develop your podcast and establish yourself as a trustworthy expert in your niche.
  • Why you should start your own podcast as soon as possible.
  • The easiest way – and top tools to use – to organize your podcast content.
  • How to sound like a professional podcaster – even though you’re totally new to the podcasting game!
  • The not-so-widely known technique to cut down on your podcast editing time.
  • Why you should never upload your podcast files to your web hosting provider.
  • The top places where you can promote your show and grow your audience like a chia-pet.
  • How to attract the right advertisers to sponsor your show.
  • And so much more!


Point-By-Point Checklist

View or print this handy checklist so that you can check off each point.

It is like a summary of the entire guide but in actionable, bite-sized points so that you can successfully get through the course.

Resource Cheat Sheet

You'll also get access to a rolodex of top sites, blogs, forums, tools, apps and services to get you even further.

Inside you'll find:

  • Top blogs and forums
  • Top tools
  • Top tips and how to's
  • + more!


A quick glance over this mindmap and you'll get an instant refresher of all the major points and action steps from the main guide.

Does that sound good or what?

Are You Ready To Start Your Very Own Profitable Podcast?

You’ll learn so much just by going through this course. Here are some of the most powerful benefits you’ll gain:

  • Discover why it’s important you know who your listeners are before you even create your podcast. 
  • Know the benefits of having good ratings and positive reviews on your show, and how you can use these to your advantage.
  • Understand why you must first give value before you even start thinking about monetizing your podcast.
  • Develop the skills you need to become an engaging podcast host!
  • Discover the power of building relationships with your target audience.
  • Figure out why creating awesome content isn’t enough and why promotion is key to your podcast’s success.
  • Develop a powerful system to record, edit, and publish your episodes in a short span of time.
  • Find out how to never run out of topics or guests to interview on your show.
  • Learn why it may take some time before you start seeing some money from your podcast.

How Can I Use This Powerful Guide Right Now?

You can own Podcasting Profit Secrets together with all the bonuses for a mere $7.00 .

That is a truly incredible deal!

Did I mention this eBook is only $7.00? It’s definitely a point worth repeating. You will be hard-pressed to find a more valuable resource.

I'm delighted to have the chance to share this powerful guide with you.

Again, you will receive the comprehensive and valuable insights for only $7.00 .

Please click the Add To Cart button right now and take ownership of this valuable eBook TODAY!

Get Instant Access Right Now!

Yes! I want instant access to Podcasting Profit Secrets which includes the following:

  • The main course
  • FAST-ACTION BONUS #1: Checklist
  • FAST-ACTION BONUS #2: Resource Cheat Sheet
  • FAST-ACTION BONUS #3: Mindmap

Regular Price: $27.00

Today Only: $7.00!

To Your Success,
Henry Starks

P.S. - Buying this course will help you figure out how you can start a profitable podcast right away. This is as detailed as it gets - you’ll never find another step-by-step guide like this at this price!

P.P.S. - ‘Podcasting Profit Secrets’ will not only educate you on the different techniques and tools you can use to build an awesome podcast, but it will also hold your hand while you learn everything there is to know about scaling your show to dominate your niche!