How Influencers Sell Big Ticket Items on Instagram

Mastering Influencer Marketing

Many people want to become influencers because they love the idea of being paid to post on their channels. The idea of getting paid thousands of dollars just to wear a pair of shoes is appealing to a lot of people. But this might actually be thinking small.

Think about it: if a company is willing to pay you thousands to make that post, they must earn thousands more. And if they can do that, so can you! Why should they benefit most from your hard work and good name?

The key is to find a big-ticket item, something you can charge a lot of money for. As an influencer, the best product you can offer is you. That means a consultation, advice, a program, or similar. If you can help people to be more like you, or share your expertise in any other way, then you will likely be very surprised at just how much they are willing to pay.

How Influencers Sell Big Ticket Items on Instagram

Perfect examples include:

These are services that you can sell on a large scale, and that you can charge a lot of money for, thereby making it very much worth your while.

The Soft Sell

As an influencer, you’ll be perfectly positioned to sell a service like this. Being an influencer means that people trust your opinion and like your approach. That means that should they want a service that they know you provide, you are more than likely to be their number one choice to provide it.

So how do you get them on board? One strategy is to use a soft sell.

This means you aren’t going to come out of the gate with an obvious advertisement. You are not going to market a new product or service. Rather, you will post images that are inspiring in your niche and occasionally mention that you provide consultation, coaching, web design, or whatever else.

This way, you can then wait for people to contact you, and they will. At this point, you just have a back-and-forth natural conversation where they can further get to know you, and you can identify the kinds of things they might benefit from and whether you can help.

How to become an influencer

Once this is done, you can discuss pricing. This strategy is extremely effective for selling an expensive service or product that involves a commitment, and it can make a big difference to your income!

Turn Influence into Income!

Ready to level up your marketing game? Discover how to build a thriving online business with Jonathan Montoya’s proven strategies. From influencer secrets to monetization tips, we’ve got you covered! 👉 Start Your Journey Now – Your success story begins here!


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