Keeping Your Head in the Clouds to Ensure Success

The Power of Visualization

When we are determined to meet a goal, most of the time we find ourselves feeling anxious and unhappy with ourselves if we allow our minds to wander. We may do everything that we can to prevent this from happening so that we are capable of being our most productive selves. If we are taking the time out of our day to consider things that may not necessarily be realistic, doesn’t that mean that we are wasting time and not using every second of every day productively?

Keeping Your Head in the Clouds to Ensure Success

Well, think again! When our minds wander and we find ourselves zoning out, that can actually be incredibly important for us. It is a chance for our minds to work without the pressure of our conscious demands, and more often than not, it is the break they need from being controlled to really work on efficient solutions to our problems!

Now, that isn’t to say we should zone out all day every day, and expect that our minds will automatically solve our problems. That isn’t how it works. However, when we allow our minds to relax in a healthy way it can provide us with the time our brains need to work through some of the most pressing puzzles that we are focused on and seek out constructive solutions to these problems.

Have you ever had an “aha!” moment? Or does a sudden clarity come to you from seemingly out of nowhere? Most of the time, these moments are a result of allowing our minds to work on their own, without pressuring them to focus on something else. Everybody needs a break, and keeping your mind constantly working without allowing it a chance to recharge will sometimes do more harm than good. It is great to be motivated and to work toward your goals. However, it is also healthy to allow yourself to have a break so that you can stay open to some methods of problem-solving that we might not necessarily discover through a traditional route.

The most ideal times to let your mind wander are when you have already scheduled a little bit of downtime. When you are just waking up or lying down in bed, your mind is already beginning to process the day ahead or the dreams we had and it can be a great time to let it wander. Another good time to do this is during a shower when the steam is clearing your sinuses and you are allowing your body to relax.

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Let your mind relax as well! You can even let your mind wander as safely as possible if you are driving or during your commute to and from work. You never know when inspiration will strike, and if you are constantly trying to control it, then it might never even happen for you. So stay alert by keeping your head in the clouds… at least once in a while.

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