Has a friend, significant other, or perhaps even a stranger ever said something to you that just sort of… stuck? Maybe someone pointed out an insecurity of yours when you were a teenager, and now you’ve got the limiting belief that you’re “not good enough,” or that you’ll “never be attractive,” or that you’re “stupid.”
Oftentimes, the people we care about most will instill our limiting beliefs — which is quite sad, especially when limiting beliefs are born from someone simply putting their foot in their mouth. Everyone has limiting beliefs. To put it simply, limiting beliefs are the beliefs you hold about yourself (or about the world) that hold you back from working toward self-improvement.
If you believe something to be “true,” (i.e. “I’m not good enough,” or “I’m stupid”), you probably won’t see a reason to keep trying. This is especially true if you happen to have a fixed mindset — a mindset that absolutely thrives on limiting beliefs. In this article, we’ll be going over what makes limiting beliefs a thing in the first place, so stick around!
Why Do Limiting Beliefs Exist?
Limiting beliefs come from different places and affect how we think and act. Let’s break it down below:
Family Influence
One big reason is that we learn our first beliefs from our family members. When we’re little, our parents teach us their own beliefs and values, even if they don’t mean to. It could be about jobs, music, hobbies, or anything, really. As we grow up, we absorb these beliefs and they become the foundation for our own limiting beliefs.
Life Experiences
Our experiences in life also shape our limiting beliefs. Every experience leaves a mark and influences what we choose to do next. For example, if you didn’t like driving a stick-shift car one time, you might say no the next time, remembering that you didn’t enjoy it before. These decisions from past experiences can stop us from trying new things.
School Experiences
School is another place where limiting beliefs come from. What our teachers, family members, or friends tell us shapes what we think is true. If we really respect someone who’s teaching us, we’re more likely to believe everything they say. Being aware of these potential influences is super important when it comes to getting past your limiting beliefs and growing as a person.
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